Africa Services

We are your experts in risk management and tailor the security solutions you need for doing business in Africa.

Risk Management and Security Services

We provide security services and security risk management for corporate, private and public clients.

Africa is a macro-region in transformation

The African continent is witnessing fast-paced political, economic, and technological progress, which is profoundly changing its societies and institutions. It therefore has tremendous economic potential and offers rewarding opportunities for global businesses looking for new markets.

But the continent is also affected by traditional and emerging threats, growing violent extremism and radicalisation, new forms of intra-state violence, structural and climate-related vulnerabilities, social grievances, and migratory pressures.

Professional security risk management is therefore essential for doing business – to keep your staff, projects and investments secure and safe.

Trisavo Riskmap 2022

Worldwide Riskmap

Travel Risk Management – Made in Germany
Result Group is a specialist for holistic Travel Risk Management solutions. TRISAVO, which is made up of three string German partners, stands for the protection of the health, safety and security of employees abroad. Since 2014, medium-sized companies, corporations and insurers have relied on our expertise.

Worldwide References

Interactive Map

A selection of our projects in many countries around the world.

Our experts

All our activities in Africa are organised, run and monitored by our experts on the ground, who ensure that highest service standards are met to keep our clients safe and secure.

Africa,Risk Management,Security Services

Harry Sarno

Senior Security Consultant - West and Central Africa

Harry is a highly experienced security professional who has been living and working in Africa for almost 20 years. He has worked with renowned security consulting companies and completed security consulting, protective services and training projects in Cameroon,, Mali, Mauritania, Liberia and other countries in Western Africa. He is based in and operating out of Côte d’Ivoire.

paul le grange

Paul Le Grange

International Operations Manager - East and South Africa
Paul is a highly experienced security professional who has been working in the security industry for more then 20 years. He has completed security consulting, protective services and training projects all over Africa. To mention are personal protective services for renowned high net-worth clients from the USA, Europe and China, who put their full trust into him. He is based in and operating out of South Africa.
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